Naar hoofdinhoud

Prof. dr. H.E. Zorgdrager

Intercultural theology / missiology

Conferentie papers Heleen Zorgdrager

Academische papers

  • 2019

    Zorgdrager, Heleen. “Theological assessment of the sexuality debate in the Netherlands in global perspective.” Paper at the IRTI conference in Amsterdam, 4-7 July 2019. 

    Zorgdrager, Heleen. “Reconsidering Baptism: Questions and Challenges from Transgender Experience.” Paper at the IAMS Europe Conference, Bonn, 23-27 August 2019. 

    Zorgdrager, Heleen. “Churches between 'Traditional Values' and Political Modernization: the Istanbul Convention as a Matter of Public Theology in Ukrainian Context”, paper at the conference “Public Role of the Churches in Ukraine”, May 2019, Ukrainian Catholic University, Lviv

    Zorgdrager, Heleen. “Polarization on Gender and Sexuality in Europe: Theological Anthropology as a Third Space?” Paper at the Academic Gender Event, PThU, December 10, 2019.

     Zorgdrager, Heleen. “Eros extatikos: Lot-Borodine’s contribution to the doctrine of deification.” Paper at the international conference “Myrrha Lot-Borodine: a Life and Works”, at the Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow, 11 October 2019.

  • 2018

    Zorgdrager, Heleen, ‘Woundwork of the Community: Women’s Peacebuilding Initiatives in Ukraine as a Source of Ecumenical Theology’, ESWTR Regional Conference in Lviv, Oekraine, 28-31 August 2018.

    Zorgdrager, Heleen, ‘Ukrainian Women and Ecumenical Engagement for Peace: Wound-work of the Community’, expert meeting ‘Peace??’, Kiev, 4-6 juli 2018.

    Zorgdrager, Heleen, ‘Homecoming in one's body - homecoming in a better world’, PThU-Stellenbosch University conferentie ‘Homecoming? Interdisciplinary Explorations on longing and belonging in a migrating world’, Groningen, 20-21 september 2018.

     Zorgdrager, Heleen, ‘Ecumenism in the zone of conflict Ukraine’, European Academy of Religion in Bologna, 5-7 March 2018.

     Zorgdrager, Heleen, ‘Response to Page Herrlinger, “Lies in the Name of Truth”’, Orthodox Kaleidoscope research meeting, Amsterdam, 6-7 juni 2018.

  • 2016

    April 2016: “Gender Issues in the Battle-zone: the Narrative of "Traditional Values" as   both Unifying and Confrontational”, BASEES conference Cambridge, UK.

    May 2016: “The Oppositional Pairing of Church Identity and Gender Ideology: Post-Maidan Navigation of Traditional Values” – methodological approach, Orthodox Kaleidoscope Network Conference, Amsterdam

    June 2016: "The Oppositional Pairing of Church Identity and Gender Ideology: Post-Maidan Navigation of Traditional Values” – political approach, ASEEES-MAG conference Lviv, Ukraine

    Lezing op Protestants Landelijk Dienstencentrum, Utrecht, “De strijd om Europa : waar staan de kerken – en wat is het ze waard?” 13 april 2016.     

    Lezing bij VU Centrum Religie en Recht, Amsterdam, “Spanningsvelden tussen transgenders en geloofsgemeenschappen”, 9 december 2016.  

    Lezing tijdens de AMUSE publieksdag voor het Reformatiejaar 2017: De Lichte Luther, in de Grote Kerk te Culemborg, “Theologie als tafelkruid”, 17 september 2016.

  • 2015

    August 2015: “Does hope need heroes? Towards a feminist political theology in the context of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict” (keynote ESWTR conference, Crete)

    November 2015: “ ‘Who dares to take a breath?’ The multidirectional battle of Pussy Riot as insiders/outsiders to Orthodoxy, Russia, and the West” (Nijmegen, congress "The Europe of Women") 

    June 2015: “Human Sexuality in a Eucharistic Key: Bringing the Body Home” (IRTI, New Brunswick NY)

    May 2015: “Ervaringen als bron van systematische theologie: een methodologische reflectie” (Amsterdam, symposium Arminius Instituut)

    October 2015: “Epifanie tussen de barricaden. De Oekraïense Maidan als liturgische   ruimte” (Amsterdam, symposium Doopsgezind Seminarie)

  • 2014

    May 2014: "Cultivating freedom. The postsecular quest for a Christian character" (PThU International Conference “God in the Public Domain”, Amsterdam)

    June 2014: "Reports from the conflict zone: ‘Europe’ in the political theology of Protestant churches in Ukraine" Comenius Conference “Protestant Traditions & the Soul of Europe”, VU University & PThU, Amsterdam 

    August 2014: “Women’s Bonding in a Spiritual Revolution. The Maidan and Post-Maidan Experience."  ESWTR Conference Central and Eastern Europe, Gniezno, Poland.

    September 2014: "Vrouwen, Oekraïne, Zuid-Afrika: een spiritualiteit van onderbreking en volharding," Symposium De lege plek bij afscheid dr. Akke van der Kooi van de PThU.

    October 2014: "Concepts of theosis and human dignity in the works of Maria Skobtsova, Elisabeth Behr-Sigel and Sarah Coakley." Conference on Concepts of theosis and Human Dignity in the Patristic tradition, and their traces in Eastern and Western Christianity, Nijmegen/ Beek Ubbergen, The Netherlands.

    November 2014: "Unlikely Alliances. Approaches to the Holy Spirit in Feminist Theology and Eastern Orthodoxy". DELM & Kerk in Actie international conference: “Theology of the Holy Spirit. Personal Experience and Charismatic Movements in Contemporary Churches,” Sibiu, Romania

  • 2013

    November 2013: “Homosexuality and Hypermasculinity in the Public Discourse of the Russian Orthodox Church.” Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Religion (AAR), Baltimore, USA.

    October 2013: “Homosexuality and Human Dignity in the Social Teaching of the Russian Orthodox Church.” Conference of Stellenbosch University and PThU, Stellenbosch, South-Africa.

    September 2013: “Religion and Homosexuality in the Public Debate: Tracing the Controversy in Russia.” European Association of Studies in Religion (EASR), Liverpool, UK.

    August 2013: “Is There Anything Theological about the Pussy Riot Case?” European Society of Women in Theological Research (ESWTR), Dresden, Germany.

    July 2013: “Beyond Legalism and Boundless Freedom: Sanctification as the Cultivation of a Christlike Character.” Conference of International Institute of Reformed Theology (IRTI), Sárospatak, Hungary.

    November 2012: “Women”s Agency and the Civilizing Mission of the Church according to Schleiermacher”s Christian Ethics.” Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Religion (AAR), Chicago, USA

    September 2012: “Moral Guardian or Kenotic Servant? A Theological View on the Role of Churches in Empowering Civil Society in Ukraine.” Academic Conference “The Future of Democracy in Ukraine”, Ukrainian Catholic University, Lviv, Ukraine.

    September 2012: “The Orthodox Theologian Elisabeth Behr-Sigel (1907-2005) on Suffering and Kenosis.” European Society of Women in Theological Research (ESWTR, Regional Conference Eastern-Europe, Split, Croatia.

    July 2012: “A Practice of Love. Orthodox Women Theologians and the Revitalization of the Doctrine of Deification.” Conference “A celebration of living theology: Engaging with the work of Andrew Louth”, Durham, UK.

    April 2012: “Recovering theosis in Reformed theology. Feminist Voices on the Fullness of Salvation.” Eighth Conference of Theological Faculties from Central and Eastern Europe and the Netherlands (COMENIUS), Debrecen, Hungary.

    October 2011: “In Search of a Shared Theology: Reformed Theology between the Contextual and the Universal.” World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCRC) Theology Network, Mangalore, India.

    October 2011: “Religious Education in the Netherlands and Christian Ethics in Ukraine: a Comparative Analysis.” Academic Conference “The Future of Religious Education in Ukraine,” Lviv, Ukraine.

    October 2009: “Taking Share in the Pain of Others: the Role of Churches in the Process of Healing of Memories,” Academic Conference “Healing the Wounds of the Past” in the 2nd Ecumenical Social Week in Lviv, Ukraine.

Presentaties voor een breder publiek

  • April 2012: “Kerken en de mensenrechten in Oekraïne.” Symposium ter ere van Milos Rejchrt, Charta 77-woordvoerder en predikant van de Evangelical Church of Czech Brethren, Utrecht.
  • Maart 2012: “Beeldenstorm en boetseerkunst: de theologie van Kune Biezeveld.” Symposium “Uitgesproken Leids: op het snijvlak van theologie en cultuur” ter gelegenheid van het afscheid van de PThU van Leiden.
  • Maart 2012: “Liturgie en spiritualiteit van de Oosters-Orthodoxe kerk.” Protestantse kerk te Rhenen.
  • Februari 2012: “Spiritualiteit in de Byzantijnse kerken in Oekraïne.” Protestantse kerk te Hardinxveld-Giessendam.
  • November 2011: “Interkerkelijke verhoudingen in Oekraïne.” Studiedag van Communicantes en Katholieke Vereniging voor Oecumene, Hernen.
  • September 2011: “Onuitsprekelijk. De populariteit van vroegchristelijke en Byzantijnse theologie voor nieuw denken over de mens.” Dominicaans Bezinningscentrum Huissen.
  • Augustus 2011: “De Bijbel: een boek tegen vrouwen?” XNoizz festival, Apeldoorn.
  • April 2011: “Allemachtig alledaags. Verkenningen naar God in het gewone leven.” Lezing op het forum: “Modern Spreken over God”, Kesteren.