About the theme

The theme of this conference concerned the relevance of theology and the Reformed tradition, in particular to the contexts in which we live and work, especially when it comes to the presence of theology in the public square. The aim was not so much to discuss the concept of public theology. Rather was the broad theme of ‘public theology in plural contexts’ meant as an invitation to all of the participants to express and share our real concerns in doing theology in each of our particular societal and cultural contexts with their particular challenges and urgencies.

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Keynote speakers

The following theologians offered a keynote lecture during the conference.

  • Dr. Richard Mouw
    Professor of Faith and Public Life and Emeritus President, Fuller Theological Seminary (USA)
  • Dr. Zhibin Xie
    Professor of Christian Philosophy and Ethics, Department of Philosophy, Tongji University, Shanghai (China)
  • Dr. Mery Kolimon
    Lecturer in Contextual Theology at the Theological Faculty, Artha Wacana Christian University, Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara (Indonesia)
  • Dr. Tinyiko Maluleke
    Professor in African Spirituality and Culture, Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, Pretoria (South Africa)
  • Dr. Carver Yu
    Abundant Grace Distinguished Professor and Emeritus President of China Graduate School of Theology, Hong Kong (China)

Report of activities

At the conference a Report of activities was presented of all activities that were developed or supported by IRTI between 2015 and 2017.