Mission and vision

IRTI is a global network of scholars working in all theological disciplines with an affinity for Reformed theology. IRTI’s mission is to enhance ‘Living Reformed Theology’, or the study of Reformed theology and the historical roots of its tradition, always with an eye towards new contexts, with questions of today’s world in mind, and in an ecumenical spirit.

Realising our mission

IRTI’s mission is realized in particular by organizing biennial international conferences, biennial summer schools for (PhD-)students, and publishing the peer-reviewed Journal of Reformed Theology (JRT) and the series Studies in Reformed Theology (SRT).

IRTI’s activities are characterized by

  1. profound theological reflection, rooted in the study of Scripture and tradition, drawing on the treasures of Reformed sources, past and present
  2. a contextual approach, including interdisciplinary methods and the study of ‘lived religion'
  3. a focus on globally challenging themes

IRTI is a joint initiative of the Faculty of Religion and Theology (FRT) of the Vrije Universiteit and the Protestant Theological University (PThU), in Amsterdam.