Prof Klaas Spronk acting rector PThU

19 April 2024

The Supervisory Board of the Protestant Theological University (PThU) has appointed Prof Klaas Spronk, currently professor of Old Testament at PThU, as acting rector of PThU from 1 May 2024. He will hold this position until a new rector is appointed. The General Synod of the Protestant Church in the Netherlands took up this appointment today.

Mr Gerard Endedijk, acting chairman of the Supervisory Board, is pleased that a temporary rector has been found quickly for the PThU. "It is in the PThU's interest that for further optimisation of research and education, Prof Dr Klaas Spronk is willing to assume the rectorship. The Supervisory Board has great confidence in Klaas Spronk, and is assured of a fruitful collaboration with the chairman of the Executive Board, Kees Boele. In the coming period, the attention of the Board will be largely focused on the transition of PThU to Utrecht."

Recruitment process

The Supervisory Board will now start the process of recruiting a new rector and hopes to introduce the new rector in the autumn.