Mr J.P.H. Donner resigns as chair of Supervisory Board Protestant Theological University (PThU)

20 March 2024

The chairman of PThU's Supervisory Board, Mr J.P.H. Donner, resigns his position with immediate effect, thus ending his membership of the Board.

Image: PThU/Wouter Muskee

"With all the challenges facing PThU at this time, it is essential to improve its relationship with both the General Synod and the Moderate Body of the Protestant Church in the Netherlands," Mr Donner said. "That is a primary responsibility of the chairman of the Supervisory Board."

He has concluded that given the relationship that has arisen, he is now best fulfilling that responsibility by stepping down and clearing the way for what lies ahead.

The Board very much regrets Mr Donner's departure but is extremely grateful to have been able to work together under his expert and wise leadership in recent years. The Vice-Chairman of the Board, G.C. Endedijk, will act as Chairman until a successor has been appointed. On behalf of the Supervisory Board, he expresses his great thanks and appreciation for Mr Donner's enormous dedication to PThU over the past years, and the good work that has been possible because of this.