PThU chooses Van Hoogevest Architects

17 November 2023

The Executive Board of the Protestant Theological University is pleased to announce that architectural firm Van Hoogevest of Amersfoort will design the plans for the renovation of the PThU's new location at Janskerkhof 12 / Jansdam 14 in Utrecht.

Careful procedure

Van Hoogevest Architecten was awarded the contract after a careful procedure in which four architectural firms participated. This procedure involved PThU staff, project manager Benno Oosterom of Doduva and architect consultant Willem Jan de Hek of Studio Refill. The firm from Amersfoort emerged as the best from the selection.

Promising vision

During the selection procedure, Van Hoogevest Architecten excelled, among other things, because of an original and promising vision on the future use of the building, combined with extensive experience in renovating and preserving similar historical buildings in an inner-city context. During the exploratory talks, a start was made on the design process, during which the conviction grew that with Van Hoogevest, the PThU will engage a professional, creative and pleasant cooperation partner.

National monument

The PThU's new location in Utrecht is a national monument. Huis van Voorst (Van Voorst House), as it is also known, was built around 1640. Various historical details are still present in the building. The challenge for the architectural firm is to respect this history and integrate it into a contemporary university environment that is attractive for students to study and for staff to work and do research.


The PThU will concentrate its theological education and research in Utrecht as of the 2024-2025 academic year. In June 2023, we purchased the Janskerkhof 12 / Jansdam 14 building for this purpose. The renovation should be completed in the summer of 2024, after which the move from Amsterdam and Groningen to Utrecht will take place.