A first for PThU: anyone can contribute to research project!

4 November 2023

To our knowledge, this is the first time in PThU's history: crowdfunding for a research project. For the Soil project, we are pioneering this form of fundraising.

Support Soil

Through www.pthu.nl/supportsoil, churchwardens and deaconesses, as well as individuals, can make a financial contribution to the Soil project. With this action, we want to fund the public programme De boer op! (roughly translates to: Into the country!). In addition, we seek valuable stories from individuals, churches and communities. We also share knowledge from our research with a growing network. This fits with the aim of the Soil project to start a broader movement within churches and communities around the themes of land, God, church and faith.


Are you interested in these themes or already engaged in sustainability and care for the earth? Consider joining and supporting the research project Soil!