Farewell to VU and Amsterdam

28 June 2024 12:30

As PThU's move in August draws ever closer, there will be a farewell moment to our location at VU and to colleagues at VU FRT on 28 June. We will do this with a final celebration in the PThU chapel, some speeches and a snack.


  • 12.30 hrs: Walk-in
  • 12.45: Chapel celebration with Rev Jasja Nottelman
  • 13.05: Speech by Prof Klaas Spronk, rector PThU
  • 13.10: Speech by Prof Dirk Martin Grube, joint bachelor's programme director - VU
  • 13:15: Speech by prof Dr Frank van der Duijn Schouten, interim dean FRT, VU
  • 13.20: Snack and drink

The meeting will take place in the PThU's chapel and meeting room.
