PThU Events
- PhD Defence: Marten van den TorenThe faith of migrants travels with them. It faces new challenges and opens up new possibilities as it migrates to a new environment. In his dissertation, Marten van den Toren, a PhD student at the PThU, delved into the spirituality of Pentecostal migrant communities in Madrid.
- Book presentation: Eight Million ExilesThe PThU has invited Dr Christopher Hays to present his book Eight Million Exiles on 25 February. In Eight Million Exiles, Dr Hays describes how social scientists, theologians, pastors and local communities worked together to support displaced communities in Colombia.
- Webinar Afro-Atlantic Catholics: America's first Black ChristiansBlack Christianity in America has long been studied as a blend of indigenous African and Protestant elements. In a lecture on 25 February, Jeroen Dewulf shows that this approach is incorrect.
- Public lecture Hanna Reichel: Against HumanityThis March, professor Hanna Reichel will join the PThU as research fellow. On 19 March, professor Reichel will be giving a lecture entiteld Against Humanity.