PThU students attending a lecture


If you are entered into a master's programme at the PThU, you can choose to follow one of our seminar courses. If you are a master's student at another recognised university, you can attend seminars at the PThU as a 'secondary student'. Alumni, pastors and other interested parties can also follow one or more courses from the regular master's education of the PThU as a 'contractor'. All seminars are offered in semester 1. You can take seminars in period 1 (September to November) or period 2 (November to January).

Seminar courses 2024-2025

In the coming autumn semester (September 2024 - January 2025), the Protestant Theological University is offering several English-language seminars with a workload of 7.5 ECTS. The courses will be offered in Utrecht. Each student chooses two seminars (courses) per term (a semester at our university consists of two terms). Most lectures are scheduled on one specific day of the week (Wednesday or Friday), with classes in the morning and in the afternoon. Below is a brief description of each subject. For more information on the content of a course, please contact the course coordinator.

Seminars period 1 (September - November)

Seminars period 2 (November - January)

Costs and conditions

Do you want to attend a seminar? This is free of charge in the following cases:

  1. You are a master's student at the PThU and you meet the entry requirements for the seminar.
  2. You are an exchange student of a partner institution of the PThU (Erasmus+ or bilateral partner) at master’s level. You pay tuition fees at your home institution and you meet the entry requirements for the seminar. You should be nominated by the Erasmus+ coordinator or international office of your home institution first, before applying for admisión as an exchange student (link). The application deadline is 1 July for the forthcoming sesmester. 

If you do not meet these conditions, you can participate in the seminar as a 'contract student'. For a contract fee of € 100 per ECTS you can participate in the course. Of course, you must still meet the entry requirements for the seminar.