Student ambassador Tollin Thumra

My name is Ngayungwon Tollin Thumra, a former student of Union Biblical Seminary, Pune, India. I have worked with organisations like World Vision, Jeevan Aadhar and the Community of St Anselm, after which I pursued my passion for academic learning. Currently, I am doing one-year master’s program at the Protestant Theological University in the field of Ethics with specialisation in Practical theology.  

I go by Scheilmacher’s analysis that practical theology is for those who have ecclesial interest as well as scientific spirit and is a special task that requires special skill to follow certain procedures or methods to creatively hold the tension between systematic theology and application in practical life in a way that is meaningful to the people.

Why I chose to study at PThU

The PThU international’s programme is an opportunity to gain wisdom from the best faculties and knowledge from its endless sources, alongside students of diverse backgrounds and origins which allows diversity in culture and perspective. The teaching is not one-way learning, rather an interactive session among students and highly skilled and learned professors, thus facilitating and sharing knowledge. It is a space to engage and explore our analytical skills, critical thinking and sharpens our perspective to presentably articulate our thoughts. I’m extremely interested in the course I engaged with and have greatly enhanced my knowledge in the process. The thing I appreciate most is the passion and interest our professors execute in their teaching ministry, and considers myself privileged to work under the supervision of Dr. Erica Meijers for my research thesis. Her guidance and mentorship remarkably improved my research and writing skills, not to mention her expertise and experience in academics.  

Living abroad 

I did my studies at the PThU in Groningen (before the relocation to Utrecht), which is a lovely little city but lively nonetheless, bustling with students from all over the world, and the Dutch people are one among the friendliest. Taking a stroll in the streets, and you can never miss the friendly smiles and Hi & Hello exchange. The Dutch are very welcoming and ready to help when asked for, which is a blessing for first year students, especially if you are a foreigner. The one strange food habits here, which I never got over it, is: why do Dutch drink milk for lunch? Though I admit to having fallen in love with stroopwafel and truffle pepernoten. And not to forget, the 'biking' which keeps you fit, healthy while being environmentally friendly - overall happy vibes.

Do contact me through email if you need any information or assistance.