Living Texts: a Master of Theology track

Texts from the Bible and the christian tradition are no dead letters, but 'live' on until today. As a theologian, you are expected to guide people in understanding Scripture. How does the biblical text become a living reality for believers in our times? With the support of different exegetical and historical methods, the Living Text track of our Master of Theology will train you in biblical exegesis and the history of theology, turning you into a hermeneutical expert.

What you can expect

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  • "My decision to study here has been invaluable in my current work as a teacher at Waimaw Theological Seminary. During my studies I received the tools that helped me to reflect confidently on 'living' Biblical texts and to think critically about my community and the situation in my home country. It was an incomparable experience.”
    Bahm Zung
    did the master Theology