About the conference

Societas Homiletica looks at resonance and its many aspects to understand the subtle dynamics between preachers, the biblical text, the discourse of the sermon, and the life-world and existence of listeners. The conference studies resonance as an interrelationship of mystery, materiality and mutuality. We study questions like: Is preaching a transcendent event, and if so, what does the uncontrollability of preaching mean for the roles of preachers and listeners? How does the mystery of preaching interact with embodiment and materiality in the practices of preaching? If resonance points to the uncontrollability and materiality in preaching, what can be said about intersubjectivity, the coming together of preacher and listeners in all their diversity and variety?

We welcome the members of Societas Homiletica and those who teach and research preaching in Groningen from 7-11 June to join us for the 16th International Conference of Societas Homiletica, to join us to reflect on preaching that resonates.

Keynote Speakers

  • Hartmut Rosa
    Professor of Sociology and Social Theory

Hartmut Rosa is Professor of Sociology and Social Theory at Friedrich-Schiller-University in Jena, Germany and Director of the Max-Weber-Kolleg at the University of Erfurt. He also is an Affiliated Professor at the Department of Sociology, New School for Social Research, New York. In 1997, he received his PhD in Political Science from Humboldt-University in Berlin. After that, he held teaching positions at the universities of Mannheim, Jena, Augsburg and Essen and served as Vice-President and General Secretary for Research Committee 35 (COCTA) of ISA and as one of the directors of the Annual International Conference on Philosophy and the Social Sciences in Prague. In 2016, he was a visiting professor at the FMSH/EHESS in Paris. He is editor of the international journal Time and Society. His publications focus on Social Acceleration, Resonance and the Temporal Structures of Modernity as well as the Political Theory of Communitarianism.

Photo Hartmut Rosa by Jürgen Bauer

  • HyeRan Kim-Cragg
    Principal and Professor of Preaching

HyeRan Kim-Cragg is Principal and Professor of Preaching at Emmanuel College of Victoria University in the University of Toronto, Canada. Emmanuel College is her Alma Mater where she received her ThD in Practical Theology in 2006. After that, she taught in Hanshin University, Korea for three years. In 2009, she held the faculty position at St. Andrew’s College, as Lydia Gruchy Professor of Pastoral Studies until she was appointed as the Inaugural Professor of Timothy Eaton Memorial Church in Preaching in 2019. She was appointed as the first racialized principal in Emmanuel’s history in 2022. She is on the executive committee and serves as a co-convenor of the workgroup, “Preaching, Environment, and Climate Crisis” in the Academy of Homiletics. She is on the editorial board on the journals, Homiletic and The International Journal of Homiletics (IJH). His publications focus on postcolonial approaches to preaching (Postcolonial Preaching, 2021) and practical theology (Interdependence: A Postcolonial Feminist Practical Theology, 2018). Her current research is on climate crisis and homiletics.

  • Ezekiel Ajibade
    Head of the Department of Practical Theology

Ezekiel Ajibade holds a Ph.D. in Christian Preaching and teaches at the Nigerian Baptist Theological Seminary, Ogbomoso, Nigeria. He is the Director of Networking and Partnerships and the Head of the Department of Practical Theology. He has held adjunct teaching positions at the Baptist College of Theology, Oyo, Methodist Theological Institute, Shagamu, and currently does so at the Asian Graduate School of Theology, Manila, Philippines. He was a Visiting Scholar at Calvin Theological Seminary, Grand Rapids, Michigan, and a Stephen Olford Fellow of Expository Preaching in Memphis, Tennessee, United States. He is a member of the editorial board of the African Christian Theology Journal and the E-Journal of Religious and Theological Studies (ERATS). He is the current President of the African Homiletics Society and the Regional Director of the International Orality Network Africa. His research has been focused on preaching, orality, culture, and contextualisation, and his most recent book is Expository Preaching in Africa, Engaging Orality for Effective Proclamation.


Keynote titles

Online mini conference 

Those who cannot attend in person have the option to experience some parts of the conference online. 

  • Saturday 8 June 2.30 pm (CEST): Keynote HeyRan Kim-Cragg
  • Monday 10 June 4 pm (CEST): Paper Session with presentations from Shauna Hannan and Sabrina Müller
  • Tuesday 11 June 11 pm (CEST): Paper Session with presentations from Linna Gunawan and Andre Stephany

Register for online participation and you will receive the links in the week before the conference.


A programme for the conference and schedule for paper presentations are available for download. 


  • Groningen

    Oude Ebbingestraat 25
    9712 HA Groningen

    PO Box 11069
    9700 CB Groningen

  • Doopsgezinde Kerk Groningen

    Oude Boteringestraat 33
    9712GD Groningen

Accommodation tips

We recommend booking your accommodation in time. There are a lot of possible hotels or bed & breakfasts in the city centre of Groningen. The following hotels have offered a discount code for our conference. Upon registration, you will receive these discount codes in an email. Of course, you can also book rooms in other hotels in the lovely city center. 


Registration for the conference has closed. Thank you for registering!

Societas Homiletica

The Societas Homiletica is an academic and international society for teachers and researchers of preaching and homiletics. Its main activity is a biannual international conference and the publication of its proceedings. Need help registering, or have questions? Please feel free to contact kenniscentrum.voor.theologie@pthu.nl.

Membership donations Societas Homiletica

Full members of Societas Homiletica are invited to make an annual donation of € 100 or more (full membership is open to persons who are teaching and doing research in homiletics and those who are retired).

Associate members are invited to make an annual donation of € 65 or more (associate membership is open to graduate students).

You can make your donation by bank transfer or PayPal. If there are fees for a bank transfer to Germany, PayPal is most probably the best option. (As a non-profit organization, the association pays a moderate processing fee to PayPal, depending on where the transfer is coming from.)

Donate via PayPal

For bank transfers:

Account owner: Societas Homiletica e.V.
IBAN: DE53 8306 5408 0005 3125 58
Account number: 5312558
Bank name: Deutsche Skatbank
Address: Altenburger Str. 13, 04626 Schmölln, Germany

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