Support our international students
The Study Fund for Foreign Students (SFS) makes it possible for international students from Africa, Asia, Latin America and Eastern Europe who do not have the necessary resources themselves to study or do a PhD at the PThU. Donations are most welcome.
Want to support the Study Fund?
You can use the button below to make a donation via creditcard, iDeal or Bancontact.
You can also make a donation through your own bank. In that case you should transfer your contribution to:
- IBAN: NL77 INGB 0000 5707 40
- In the name of: Protestant Theological University
- Address:
ING Regio Noord-Oost
Friesewal 1
8011 XE Zwolle - With reference number: 89120/1210.
Thank you for your gift
The students visiting our university amass a wealth of knowledge they can subsequently put to use on behalf of the Church in their own countries. Some become or continue as pastors in a congregation, but oftentimes they start as researcher and teacher at a theological seminary. That way, in their own country, they are able to theologically educate and equip a new generation of students. Another positive effect of the presence of students from outside of the Netherlands is their influence on Dutch theology students, who can learn and grow in their understanding through interaction with students from a different context.
All support is welcome
The costs of accommodation, study and living expenses amount to approximately € 16,500 per foreign student and a PhD trajectory costs an average of € 40,000. These are significant amounts. The PThU is not allowed to finance scholarships from government grants, which makes the SFS completely dependent on donations. All support is welcome; financially or by drawing attention to the fund and the need for donations to people in your environment and/or the church.
The PThU is grateful for every donation that helps to continue this long-standing tradition.