Dr. T.T.J. Pleizier
Personal, Education and Experience
Theo Pleizier was born August 5h, 1975 in Hoevelaken. He is ordained as a minister in the Protestant Church in the Netherlands.
From 1993-2001 he studied theology in Utrecht and Oxford (Wycliffe Hall) and graduated in the field of Reformed scholasticm before taking up the position of junior-researcher in practical theology.
His doctoral work was in empirical homiletics and his dissertation Religious Involvement in Hearing Sermons provides a religious theory on listening to sermons based upon qualitative interviews following Grounded Theory research procedures.
As a minister he served two congregations in The Netherlands, Langerak (2007-2012) and Dirksland (2012-2015).
Theo is married to Margreet den Oudsten. They have three children, Joëlla (2000), Christo (2004) en Lotte (2011).
From September 2015 he works as Assistant Professor Practical Theology and teaches in the fields of homiletics and pastoral care.
In 2018 he qualified for university teaching (UTQ, University of Groningen); in 2019 he received his senior qualification for university teaching. At PThU he was lecturer of the year 2018-2019.
PhD supervision
Current projects
Wim Graafland. De pastor en euthanasie. Onderzoek naar beleving, verwachting en wenselijkheid van de rol van protestantse predikanten bij een zelfgekozen levenseinde. (Promotores: Frits de Lange en Theo Boer)
Jan Minnema. Geloofsoverdracht in Contextueel Perspectief (Promotor: Henk de Roest)
Marinka Verburg. Gemeenschapsvorming bij Pioniersplekken in de Protestantse Kerk in Nederland. (Promotores: Henk de Roest en Joep de Hart)
Jan Scheele-Goedhart. Taking Theology to Work. An Empirical-Theological Investigation of the Interaction between Ecclesial Practices and the Lived Faith of Churchgoers with respect to the Sphere of Work. (Promotores: Henk de Roest en Pieter Vos)
Finished projects
A. (Arie) van der Knijff, Bevindelijk preken. Een empirisch-homiletisch onderzoek naar bevinding in de prediking binnen de Gereformeerde Gemeenten. [23 mei 2019, PThU, Groningen]
C.M.A. (Kees) van Ekris, Making See. A Grounded Theory on the prophetic dimension in preaching [24 May 2018, PThU, Groningen]
R. (Richart) Huijzer, De binnenkant van het ambt. Een groundedtheory-onderzoek naar de ambtsbeleving en levensbeschouwelijke identiteit van protestantse pastores in zorginstellingen, in dialoog met Paul Ricoeur. [6 juli 2017, PThU, Groningen]
P. (Pieter) Boonstra, Omgang met de bijbeltekst in de preek [6 oktober 2016, PThU, Groningen]
I. (Ilonka) Terlouw. Real Faith. Performativity and Materiality in the Personal Relationship with Jesus of Evangelical Protestants. [15 januari 2015, PThU, Groningen]
A.C. (André) Verweij. Positioning Jesus’ Suffering. A Grounded Theory of Lenten Preaching in Local Parishes. [27 februari 2014, PThU, Groningen]
Courses taught
- Pastoraat (Pastoral care) [2015-2021]
- Vieren en preken (Worship and preaching, together with Eward Postma) [2015-2020]
- Research Methodology in Practical Theology (honours course) [2014-2016]
- De theoloog wordt predikant (The theologian becomes a minister) [2011]
- Casualia (Occasional services, cotaught with Henk de Roest) [2017-2020]
- Crosscultural communication of the Gospel (cotaught with Benno van den Toren) [2017-2020]
- Practices of the Missional Congregation [2017-2020]
- Mission-shaped Spirituality (cotaught with Klaas Bom) [2017-2020]
- Research Design, part of a three-course program of the Initial Graduate School (cotaught with Benno van den Toren) [2019-2020]
Within PThU
- Coördinator Societas Doctorum Ecclesiae (program for post-doctoral research in theology)
- Voorzitter Opleidingscommissie Masteropleidingen PThU
Academic Memberships and Other Activities
- President of the International Board of Societas Homiletica (Since 2022. From 2018-2022, International Secretary. From 2010-2017, Webmanager)
- Member of the International Society for Empirical Research in Theology
- Member of the International Academy of Practical Theology
- Senior member NOSTER, Netherlands School for Advanced Studies in Theology and Religion
- Lid van de Vereniging voor Theologie
- Editor of Theologia Reformata, a journal for Reformed Theology
- Editorial Board International Journal of Homiletics
- Co-Editor of Homiletic Perspectives, a series published by LIT Verlag
- Member of Arbeitskreis Empirische Religionsforschung
- Member of Areopagus, center for missional and contextual preaching
- Member of the Dutch Homiletic Society
- Chair of the Council for Ministerial Callings in the Protestant Church in the Netherlands (2010-2015)