Prof. dr. T.A. Boer
Professor of Health Care Ethics
International publications (scholarly)
- James F. Childress, Lisa Cahill, Douglas F. Ottati, William Schweiker, Theo Boer, ‘Theologian, Teacher, and Friend: Tributes to James M. Gustafson’, Journal of Religious Ethics JRE 50, 2 (June 2022), 92-7, DOI: 10.1111/JORE.12384 (accepted)
- A. Stef Groenewoud, Ellen Leijten, Sterre van den Oever, Julia van Sommeren en Theo A. Boer, ‘The Ethics of Euthanasia in Dementia. A Qualitative Content Analysis of Case Summaries (2012-2020)’. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society (JAGS) 70, 3 (maart 2022), 1-13.
- Theo Boer, ‘The Autonomy Paradox: Reflections on Dutch Euthanasia Practice’, in: Benjamin DeSpain and Christopher Insole, Redeeming Autonomy. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2022 (upcoming)
- Stef Groenewoud and Theo Boer, ‘How Legal Euthanasia Continues to be Transgressive: Some Observations from the Netherlands,’ in: Petruschka Schaafsma (ed.), The Image of a Moral Compass: Drawing Attention to the Transcendent Character of the Good in Times of Pluralism and Polarization. London: Routledge 2022 (accepted).
- Theo Boer, ‘The Legacy of James M. Gustafson’s Theocentric Ethics’, in NTT Journal for Theology and the Study of Religion 76,1 (June 2022) (accepted).
- Wim Graafland, Stef Groenewoud, Theo Pleizier, and Theo Boer, ‘Protestant Parishioners, their Pastors, and Euthanasia’. Journal of Empirical Theology JET 35 (2022) (accepted).
- Stef Groenewoud, Theo Boer, Femke Atsma, Mina Arvin and Gert Westert, ‘Euthanasia in the Netherlands: a claims data cross-sectional study of geographical variation,’ BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care 2021;0:1–11.
- M.N. van Rijswijk and T.A. Boer, ‘Health Checks and the Doctor-Patient Relationship. A Survey amongst Users, Non-Users, and Physicians’. Prev Med Epid Public Heal, 2(2): 1-11, 2021.
- Theo Boer, ‘Drei Narrative der Euthanasie: Was Europa von den Niederlanden lernen kann’. Imago Hominis (2021); 28(1): 063-076.
- Theo Boer, ‘Autonomie am Lebensende – Ein Erfahrungsbericht aus niederländischer Perspektive’, in: Arnd Uhle en Judith Wolf (red.), Entgrenzte Autonomie?Die assistierte Selbsttötung nach der bundesverfassungsgerichtlichen Entscheidung vom 26. Febr. 2020. Münster: Aschendorff Verlag (Essener Gespräche zum Thema Staat und Kirche 56) 2021, 200-20.
- Theo Boer and Stef Groenewoud, ‘Dutch Reformed support for Assisted Dying in the Netherlands 1969-2019: An Analysis of the Views of Parishioners, Pastors, Opinion Makers, and Official Reports of the Protestant Church in the Netherlands’. Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics (JSCE) 41, 1 (spring/summer 2021), 125-47.
- Theo Boer, ‘Why using religious arguments in the euthanasia discussion is problematic’. Latinamerican Journal of Bioethics/ Revista Latinoamericana de Bioética 21, 1 (2021): Bioethics and final stages of life (Bioética y estadios finales de la vida), 127-36.
- Theo Boer, ‘Erfahrungsbericht aus Holland: Entwicklungen, Probleme, aktuelle Debattenlage’, Zeitschrift für medizinische Ethik ZfmE 67 (2021), 455-66.
- Theo Boer and Kevin Yuill, ‘Assisted Dying and Covid-19’, in: Panagiotis Pentaris (ed.), Death, Grief and Loss in the Context of COVID19. London: Routledge 2021, 178-94.
- Theo Boer, ‘Covid-19 and the Dutch context: some ethical comments’. Canadian Journal of Netherlandic Studies CJNS 21,2 (Fall 2020), 70-86.
- Theo Boer, ‘Erfarenheter från femtio år med dödshjälp i Nederländerna’, in: Morten Andreas Horn, Daniel Joachim Heggheim Kleiven and Morten Magelssen (eds.), Dødshjelp i Norden? Etikk, klinikk og politikk. Oslo: Cappelen Damm Akademisk’s Division, 2020, 251-73.
- Theo A. Boer, Ronald Bolwijn, Wim Graafland and Theo T.P. Pleizier, ‘Euthanasia: experiences and dilemmas encountered by ministers in the Protestant Church of the Netherlands’, International Journal of Public Theology IJPT 14, 1 (2020), 41-67.
- Theo Boer et al, ‘International consensus: Ovarian tissue cryopreservation in young Turner syndrome patients: Outcomes of an ethical Delphi study including 55 experts from 16 different countries’, in: Human Reproduction 2020, 1-12. Onderdeel van TurnerFertility expert panel.
- Theo Boer, ‘Euthanasia, Law, Religion, Culture: Observations from a Pioneering Country,’ in: Jose Maria Puyol Montero (ed.), New Challenges for Law: Studies on the Dignity of Human Life. Madrid/ Harvard: Tirant lo Blanch 2020, 179-99.
- Theo Boer, ‘Remembering St. Augustine on suicide’, in: Markus Matthias, Riemer Roukema en Gert van Klinken (red.), Erinnern und vergessen – Remembering and forgetting. Essays über zwei theologische Grundvollzüge (Festschrift voor Hans-Martin Kirn). Leipzig: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt 2020, 41-4.
- Berghäuser, G., Boer, T.A., Borasio, G.D. et al., ‘Brauchen wir eine Neuordnung der Sterbehilfe in Deutschland?’ MedR 38, 207–211 (2020).
Theo Boer, ‘Euthanasie et protestantisme des Pays-Bas, Irénikon 92,1 (2019), 36-47.
- T.A. Boer, ‘Dialectics of Lead: Fifty Years of Dutch Euthanasia and its Lessons’, International Journal of Environmental Studies 78, 2 (April 2018).
- Theo Boer, ‘Euthanasia and Addiction: a Comment from the Netherlands’, Addiction 113,1 (January 2018).
- Wichmann A.B., H. van Dam, T.A. Boer, B. Toonsen, Y. Engels and A.S. Groenewoud, ‘Advance Care Planning Conversations with Palliative Patients: Looking through the GPs Eyes’, BMC Family Practice (2018) 19:184.
- Theo Boer, ‘Does Euthanasia Have a Dampening Effect on Suicide Rates? Recent Experiences from the Netherlands’. Journal of Ethics in Mental Health 10 (2017).
- Theo Boer, ‘Rushing towards Death? Assisted Dying in the Netherlands', The Christian Century, 133,4 (April 13, 2016), 24-7,
- Theo Boer, ‘Following the Guide? Why Dutch and Belgian Experiences on Assisted Dying Should Concern other Countries’, Zadok (Australia) 131 (Winter 2016), 5-8.
- Theo Boer and Bart Koopman, ‘Turning Points in the Conception and Regulation of Physician-Assisted Dying in the Netherlands’. American Journal of Medicine 129, 7 (July 2016), 45-6.
- Theo Boer, ‘La problématique de l'euthanasie aux Pays-Bas: quelques réflexions par un éthicien théologique’, in: Karsten Lehmkühler en Jean-Gustave Hentz, Spiritual Care et Fin de Vie. Genève: Labor et Fides (Lieux théologiques 44), 2015, 55-71.
- Theo Boer and Frits de Lange, ‘Editorial’, International Journal of Public Theology 9,4 (Winter 2015), 391-5.
- Theo Boer, ‘Euthanasia, Ethics, and Theology: A Dutch Perspective’, in: RES (Review of Ecumenical Studies) 6 (2/2014), pp. 197-214. Internetgegevens: DOI: 10.2478/ress-2014-0116
- Theo Boer en Dick Mul, ‘The Bible and Medical Ethics’, in: CMF-Bulletin (Christian Medical Fellowship Nederland) 2014, 2 (internationale special, juli 2014), 4-7.
- Theo A. Boer, 'Palliative Sedation: An Exploration from a Christian Ethical Point of View', in: Currents of Encounter 38. Amsterdam/ New York: Rodopi 2013, 13 pp. (forthcoming)
- Theo Boer and Richard Fischer (eds.), Human Enhancement: Scientific, Ethical and Theological Aspects from a European Perspective. Brussels: Conference of European Churches, 2013 (302 pp.).
- Theo Boer and Cees Dekker, ‘I don't want comfort, I want God, I want poetry, I want real danger’, in: Theo Boer and Richard Fischer (eds.), Human Enhancement: Scientific, Ethical and Theological Aspects from a European Perspective. Brussels: Conference of European Churches, 2013, 33-55.
- Theo Boer, ‘Reflections on Enhancement and Enchantment: a Concluding Essay’ , in: Theo Boer and Richard Fischer (eds.), Human Enhancement: Scientific, Ethical and Theological Aspects from a European Perspective. Brussels: Conference of European Churches, 2013, 284-292.
- Theo A. Boer, 'Euthanasia in a Welfare State: Experiences from the Review Procedure in the Netherlands'.Philosophy Study 2,1 (2012), 51-63.
- Theo A. Boer, 'When Family Violence Takes Subtle Forms: A Narrative from a Dutch Context (A Response to CH Thesnaar)', NGTT 52 (2011), supplement 1, 37-42.
- Theo A. Boer, ‘What If the Embryo Is Not a Person?’, in: Jared A. Jaworski (ed.), Advances in Sociology Research 8 (2011). New Haven: Novapress Science, 169-85.
- Theo A. Boer, 'Euthanasia and Dying Well: Some Remarks from a Dutch Perspective', Focus of the Community of Protestant Churches in Europe 2011, 1, 16-7.
- Dick Schinkelshoek and Theo A. Boer, ‘Ethik zwischen Weltbejahung und Weltkritik. Alfred Dedo Müller über Staat, Kirche und Kriegführung (1937/ 1963)’, Zeitschrift für Evangelische Ethik 54, 4 (2010), 277-289.
- Theo Boer, Aart Hoogerwerf, Wim Golsteijn, Jaap Rebel und Ploni Robbers-van Berkel, Medizinische Entscheidungen im Umfeld des Lebensendes. Seelsorgliche und moralische Erwägungen. Ins Deutsche übersetzt von Frauke Hayungs, in: Stefanie Schardien (ed.), Mit dem Leben am Ende. Stellungnahmen aus der kirchlichen Diskussion in Europa zur Sterbehilfe. Göttingen: Edition Ruprecht 2010, 171-211.
- Theo A. Boer, ‘Euthanasia’, in: Joel Green, Jacqueline Lapsley, Rebekah Miles, and Allen Verhey (eds.)Dictionary of Scripture and Ethics, Cleveland, OH: Baker 2010 (forthcoming).
- Theo A. Boer, ‘Is Luther's Ethics Christian Ethics?’, Luther Digest 18 (2010) (Abridged version of the 2007Lutheran Quarterly essay), 46-51.
- Theo A. Boer, ‘Between Flourishing and Withering: A Theologian's Impressions from the Dutch Euthanasia Review Procedure’, Reformed World 59, 3 (2009), 197-212.
- Ulla Schmidt, Theo Boer, Dieter Heidtmann, Ulrich Körtner, Stefanie Schardien et al, A Time to Live, and a Time to Die: An Aid to Orientation on Death-hastening Decisions and Caring for the Dying. Vienna: Community of Protestant Churches in Europe, 2009.
- Theo A. Boer, ‘Protokolle einer Tragödie: Alfred Dedo Müller und der Nationalsozialismus 1933-1936’, Kirchliche Zeitgeschichte. Internationale Halbjahresschrift für Theologie und Geschichtswissenschaft, 21,2 (2008), 373-391.
- Theo A. Boer, ‘With Michael Walzer towards a Just Peace,’ in: Anne Marie Reijnen and Peter Tomson, Europe Between Wars: Bonhoeffer, the Struggle for Peace, and the Cultural Heritage. A Salute to Jurjen Wiersma. Analecta Bruxellensia 13 (2008), 78-98.
- Theo A. Boer, ‘Stem Cells, Pluralism, and Moral Empathy,’ in: Lars Östnor (ed.), Stem Cells, Human Embryos, and Ethics: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Dordrecht: Springer 2008, 121-134.
- James M. Gustafson, Moral Discernment in the Christian Life: Essays in Theological Ethics. Selected and with an Introduction by Theo A. Boer and Paul E. Capetz. Louisville: Westminster John Knox Press (Library of Theological Ethics), 2007.
- Theo A. Boer and Paul E. Capetz, ‘Introduction’, in: James M. Gustafson, Moral Discernment in the Christian Life: Essays in Theological Ethics. Selected and with an Introduction by Theo A. Boer and Paul E. Capetz. Louisville: Westminster John Knox Press 2007, xiii-xxii.
- Theo A. Boer, ‘Is Luther's Ethics Christian Ethics?’, Lutheran Quarterly 21, 4 (Winter 2007), 404-421.
- Theo A. Boer, ‘Recurring Themes in the Debate about Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide’, Journal of Religious Ethics, 35, 3 (2007), 529-555.
- Theo A. Boer, ‘Luthers Theologie: Ethik? Christliche Ethik?’ Neue Zeitschrift für Systematische Theologie und Religionsphilosophie 48, 1 (2006), 18-32.
- Theo A. Boer, ‘Alfred Dedo Müllers Ethik: zwischen Radikalität und Gleichschaltung’, Kirchliche Zeitgeschichte. Internationale Zeitschrift für Theologie und Geschichtswissenschaft, 19, 2 (2006), 389-413 (Deutsche Zusammenfassung; Summary in English).
- Theo A. Boer, ‘Need and Justice in Health Care: From Formal Justice to Material Justice’, in: Andrea Dörries, Katharina Hespe-Jungesblut (eds.), Medical Need and Justice in Health Care. Workshop Reader European Workshop. Hannover: Zentrum für Gesundheidsethik, 2005, 173-175.
- Theo A. Boer, ‘After the Slippery Slope: Dutch Experiences on Regulating Active Euthanasia’, Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics, 23,2 (2003), 225-242, translated: ‘Dopo la Slippery Slope: Le esperienze olandesi nella regolamentazione della eutanasia attiva’, Rassegna di Teologia, 44,3 (2003), 397-416.
- Theo A. Boer, ‘Legalisering som lösning? Erfarenheter av Holländsk eutanasipraxis’. Gunnel Borgegård, Göran Lantz (eds.), Manuskriptsamling Den goda döden. Stockholm: Ersta-Sköndal Högskola & Nordiska ekumeniska rådet, 2002, 9-18.
- Joop Stolk, Theo A. Boer, and Ruth Seldenrijk (eds.), Meaningful Care: A Multidisciplinary Approach to the Meaning of Care for People with Mental Retardation. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2000 (Concepts and Content).
- Theo A. Boer, ‘Meaning of Life and Meaning of Care: A Christian Perspective’, in: Joop Stolk, Theo A. Boer, and Ruth Seldenrijk (eds.), Meaningful Care: A Multidisciplinary Approach to the Meaning of Care for People with Mental Retardation. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2000, 51-64.
- Hans Reinders, Joop Stolk, and Theo A. Boer, ‘A Multidisciplinary Approach to the Meaning of Care for People with Mental Retardation’. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 44 (2000), 439.
- Theo A. Boer, ‘Sterbehilfe auf Verlangen? Die Euthanasiediskussion in Holland und die Haltung der Christen’, in:Neukirchener Erziehungsverein, Jahresbericht 2000. Neukirchen: 2000, 28-31.
- Th.A. Boer, W. Helbig, J. Hoyau and A. Repetto, ‘Modelle, esperienze e considerazioni delle istituzioni sanitarie non profit in Europa’. Sanita. Bimestrale dell'Associazione religiosa Istituti Socio-Sanitari, 12, 6 (Nov-Dec 2000), 32-42.
- Theo A. Boer, Theological Ethics after Gustafson: A Critical Analysis of the Normative Structure of James M. Gustafson's Theocentric Ethics. Kampen: Kok, 1997 (Abstract ; Concluding Essay).
- Theo Boer and Egbert Schroten, ‘Life and Death Seen from a Dutch Reformed Position’, in: Lars Oestnor (ed),Bioetikk og teologi. Rapport fra Nordisk teologisk nettverk for bioetikks workshop i Stockholm 27.-29. september 1996. Oslo: Nordisk teologisk nettverk for bioetikk, 1996, 31-51.
- Theo A. Boer, All Things in Relation to God: A Critical Analysis of the Normative Structure of James M. Gustafson's Theocentric Ethics. Uppsala: Uppsala University 1995.
- Theo A. Boer and Egbert Schroten, ‘Bioethical Issues in Protestant Continental Europe’. in: B. Andrew Lustig (ed.), Bioethics Yearbook: Vol. 3 (1993), Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1993, 1-18.