Dr. R.D.N. van Riessen
Associate Professor of Philosophy and Professor by Special Appointment of Christian Philosophy (at Leiden University)
Community / Care
Curriculum vitae
Renée Dirkje Neeltje van Riessen
born 24 september 1954 in Lunteren
Married, two daughters (born 1992 and 1993)
- 1981: university graduate Philosophy, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
- 1979-1983: member of Researchgroup “Vrijheid en bevrijding in relatie tot de menswetenschappen” and co-editor of Vrijheid, een onderzoek naar de betekenis van vrijheid voor de methodologie van de menswetenschappen, Amsterdam 1984.
- 1980-1985 lecturer in philosophy at Kunstacademie (School of Arts) in Kampen
- since 1985- senior lecturer in philosophy and philosophy of religion Kampen Theological University (part time)
- 1991 – Defense of Ph.D : Erotiek en dood, met het oog op transcendentie in de filosofie van Levinas; Promotors: prof.dr. J. van der Hoeven (Free University, Amsterdam) and prof.dr. P. Moyaert (K.U. Leuven, Belgium) .
- From 1991 - 1999 member of the board of the Dutch “Levinas Studiekring” ; took part in the organisation of the second congress of LSK on Levinas' denken en het pluralisme in de cultuur (Levinas and cultural pluralism) in 1993.
- From 1993 - 1996 : member of researchgroup of the section Philosophy of culture and Ethics of Katholieke Theologische Universiteit Utrecht. With prof.dr. Ilse N. Bulhof I edited a book on postmodern thought and the crisis of representation: Als woorden niets meer zeggen, de crisis rond woord en beeld in de huidige cultuur. Kampen 1995.
- From 1990 – took part in the interdiscliplinary research of Protestant Theological University, Christian faith in changing contexts (Barth, Levinas, Kierkegaard and kenosis)
- Between 2006-2009: Chair of researchgroup Philosophical interpretations of Augustine
- From 2011 – holds the chair for Christian Philosophy at Leyden University. As extraordinary professor she teaches courses on philosophy in relation to the Christian and Jewish perspective (worldview); focussing on questions as the relation of finiteness and infinity; transcendence and immanence; the relation of self and other, and the art of living.