Prof.dr. P.H. Vos

Professor of Ethics and Military Chaplaincy Studies
Amsterdam, Groningen
Dogmatics / ethics

Pieter Vos, PhD, is Professor of Ethics and Military Chaplaincy Studies  at the Protestant Theological University. Also he is Director of the International Reformed Theological Institute (IRTI).

In 2002, he received his PhD (cum laude, 'with the highest distinction') from the Theological University Kampen (Koornmarkt), now part of the Protestant Theological University, on the dissertation De troost van het ogenblik: Kierkegaard over God en het lijden (The Solace of the Moment: Kierkegaard on God and Suffering).

From 2006 till 2012 he held the chair of Moral Formation (Lectoraat Morele Vorming) at VIAA, University of Applied Sciences in Zwolle. Since 2010 he works as an ethicist at the Protestant Theological University.

Pieter Vos is married to Trijnie Koorn; they have three children: Thomas, Maartje and Emma, and live in Zwolle.

In his research, Pieter Vos focuses on three themes in particular: 1) moral and existential issues that arise among soldiers, such as moral injury, and their guidance through military chaplaincy,  in particular from an existential-ethical perspective (e.g. Kierkegaard), 2)  the contribution of military chaplaincy to the moral formation of soldiers, in particular from the perspective of virtue ethics and military ethics, 3) theological reflection on ethical questions about war and peace, justice and reconciliation, in view of the deployment of the armed forces for peace and security in the world.

As a Kierkegaard expert he is member of the editorial board Redactieraad Kierkegaard Werken aimed at publishing Kierkegaard's works in Dutch translation (Damon). He is Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Reformed Theology (Brill) and member of the editorial boards of Studies in Reformed Theology (Brill), and the Dutch theological journal Kerk en theologie (Amsterdam University Press).


Professor Vos welcomes PhD-candidates in the various fields of his expertise:

  • the theory and practice of military chaplaincy
  • ethics of peace and war
  • virtue ethics
  • Protestant ethics
  • existential ethics, in particular Søren Kierkegaard
  • the ethics of work
  • moral formation 

For more information, see CV and list of publications or contact Pieter Vos,