Dr. P.E.M. Meijers
Community / Care
Curriculum vitae
Journalistic work (selection)
- 2011- 2017 Member Editorial Board Green European Journal.
- 2007- 2017 Editor-in-chief De Helling, quarterly for politics and culture.
- 2011- 2013 Columnist ‘de Andere Wereld’, IKON radio.
- 2005-2007 Freelance journalist for Radio and Printmedia.
- 1993 - 2001 Editor, moderator, director and editor-in-chief weekly newsprogramme 'De Andere Wereld van Zondagmorgen' IKONradio.
Other (selection)
- 2007- 2017 Member of staff Bureau de Helling, Dutch Green Foundation.
- 2000- 2005 Teacher Contextual Theology at TVG Amsterdam.
- 1999-2004 Researcher at the Theological University Kampen, department history and missiology.
- 1996 - 1998 Secretary/ coordinator for the project 'church network protestant Europe' for the Leuenberg Church Fellowship. (based in Basle, Switzerland)
- 2008 PhD Theology at Protestantse Theological University Kampen.
- 2001 Examination for the admission to the Protestant Church of the Netherlands as a minister.
- 2000 Examination ecclesiastical Institute of the Netherlands Reformed Church with a thesis on the West-African Theologian Mercy Amba Oduyoye.
- 1993-19944 Courses at the Media Academy Hilversum.
- 1990 Master Theology University of Amsterdam (Cum laude) Thesis: Karl Barth and Novalis.
- 1988 - 1989 Study Theology and History in Strasbourg.