Prof. dr. Mirella Klomp
Professor of Practical Theology
Worship / formation
In the academic year 2022-2023, I teach:
- Celebrating (Liturgical Studies, MA-course 15ECTS, Groningen & Amsterdam)
I supervise several BA- and MA-students in the process of writing their thesis. I currently (co-)supervise the academic work of the following PhD students:
- Henk Vogel, Sing after God a New Song. Ritual-musical appropriations of Psalms in Dutch culture between 1990-2020 (PThU; 2018-2022);
- Kirsten van der Ham, How to Meet the Other? A Qualitative Empirical Study on the Entanglement of Christianity and Racism in the Context of Church Settings in the Netherlands (PThU; 2021-2026)
- Martin Boon, Spelenderwijs: Bibliodramatische exegese van Lucas 7:36-50 (PThU; 2021-2026);
- Jutta Eilander-van Maaren, Polyphony in Ecclesiology. A practical-theological research on 'being church' in the Old Catholic Church of the Netherlands (Utrecht University, 2020-2026).
I was a member of the Examination Board of the Bachelor Theology (joint degree) on behalf of PThU between 2018-2021, and was involved in the continued development of the curriculum of this joint BA programme in 2018 and 2019. In 2020-2021, I was part of the team that wrote the institutional/strategic plan for the future of the Protestant Theological University.