Prof. Dr. Marjo C.A. Korpel
Professor of Old Testament
Old Testament / Judaism
Key publications
- Korpel, M.C.A., "Unit Delimitation as a Guide to Interpretation: A Status Quaestionis", in: Guillaume Bady, Marjo Korpel, Les délimitations éditoriales des Écritures des bibles anciennes aux lectures modernes / Editorial Delimitations of the Scriptures from Ancient Bibles to Modern Readings(Pericope, 11), Leuven 2020, 3-33. (Open access).
- M.C.A. Korpel, "A Subdued Demon in Exodus 15:7-8", Vetus Testamentum 69 (2019), 60-68.
- Korpel, M.C.A. (2014), with J.C. de Moor, Adam, Eve, and the Devil: A New Beginning (Hebrew Bible Monographs, 65). Sheffield: Sheffeld Phoenix Press, ix + 322pp.
- Korpel, M.C.A. (2011), with J.C. de Moor, The Silent God. Leiden: Brill.
- Korpel, M.C.A. (2011), "The Messianic King: Isaiah 10:33-11:10", in: Göran Eidevall & Blazenka Scheuer (eds.), Enigmas and Images: Studies in Honor of. Tryggve N. D. Mettinger (Coniectanea Biblica. Old Testament series, 58), Winona Lake: Eisenbrauns, 2011, 147-159.
Published books and edited volumes
- 2020: Les délimitations éditoriales des Écritures des bibles anciennes aux lectures modernes / Editorial Delimitations of the Scriptures from Ancient Bibles to Modern Readings (Pericope, 11), with G. Bady, Leuven: Peeters, 276 pp.
- 2017: Textual Boundaries in the Bible: Their Impact on Interpretation (Pericope, 9), with P. Sanders, Leuven: Peeters. 242 pp.
- 2016: Open-Mindedness in the Bible and Beyond: A Volume of Studies in Honour of Bob Becking (Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Studies, 616), with L.L. Grabbe, London: Bloomsbury/T&T Clark. 384 pp.
- 2016: Adam, Eva en de Duivel: Kanaänitische mythen en de Bijbel, with J.C. de Moor, Vught: Skandalon, 2016, 336 pp. (Dutch translation of Adam, Eve, and the Devil, with new findings).
- 2015: Adam, Eve, and the Devil: A New Beginning, second enlarged edition, with J.C. de Moor, Sheffield: Sheffield Phoenix Press, 2015. 358 pp.
- 2014: Adam, Eve, and the Devil: A New Beginning (Hebrew Bible Monographs, 65), with J.C. de Moor,Sheffield: Sheffeld Phoenix Press
- 2011: DE ZWIJGENDE GOD, with J.C. de Moor,Vught: Skandalon
- 2011: The Silent God, with J.C. de Moor, Leiden: Brill
- 2009: The Impact of Unit Delimitation on Exegesis (Pericope, 7), with R. de Hoop and S.E. Porter, Leiden: Brill
- 2007: Method in Unit Delimitation (Pericope 6), with J.M. Oesch and S.E. Porter, Leiden: Brill
- 2006: Tussen Caïro en Jeruzalem: Studies over de Bijbel en haar Context (for the early retirement of M. Dijkstra and K. Vriezen), with B. Becking and J.A. Wagenaar, Utrecht: Universiteit Utrecht
- 2005: Layout Markers in Biblical Manuscripts and Ugaritic Tablets (Pericope 5), with J.M. Oesch, Assen: van Gorcum
- 2003: Unit Delimitation in Biblical Hebrew and Northwest Semitic Literature (Pericope 4), with J.M. Oesch, Assen: van Gorcum
- 2002: Studies in Scriptural Unit Division (Pericope, 3), with J.M. Oesch. Assen: Van Gorcum.
- 2001: The Structure of the Book of Ruth (Pericope 2), Assen: van Gorcum
- 2001: Only One God? Monotheism in Ancient Israel and the Veneration of the Goddess Asherah, with B. Becking, M. Dijkstra, K.J.H. Vriezen, Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press.
- 2000: Delimitation Criticism: A New Tool in Biblical Scholarship (Pericope 1), with J.M. Oesch, Assen: van Gorcum
- 1999: The Crisis of the Israelite Religion: Trans-formation of Religious Traditions in Exilic and Post-Exilic Times, with B. Becking, Leiden: Brill
- 1998: The Structure of Classical Hebrew Poetry: Isaiah 40-55, with J.C. de Moor, Leiden: Brill
- 1990: A Rift in the Clouds: Ugaritic and Hebrew Descriptions of the Divine, Münster: Ugarit-Verlag.