Prof. Dr. Marjo C.A. Korpel
Professor of Old Testament
Old Testament / Judaism
- Online publication or website
Aan tafel! - Article
God is even weg - Online publication or website
Internationale samenwerking en interdisciplinariteit in 1 Kon. 5 - Online publication or website
Job en de Webb-telescoop - Online publication or website
Job en de Webb-telescoop - Article
Wanneer en waarom werd het boek Ruth geschreven?
- Online publication or website
- Online publication or website
De hemel: waar is dat? - Online publication or website
Dromen over de hemel - Online publication or website
Hoofdletters voor God in de Bijbelvertaling? - Book editing
Les délimitations éditoriales des Écritures des bibles anciennes aux lectures modernes / Editorial delimitations of the Scriptures from ancient bibles to modern readings - Foreword/postscript
Préface - Online publication or website
Religie terug van nooit weg geweest? - Book review
Review of: Stephanie Day Powell, Narrative Desire and the Book of Ruth The Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Studies 662. London: Bloomsbury, 2018 - Chapter for book
Unit Delimitation as a Guide to Interpretation - Online publication or website
[Reactie op]: Hoofdletters voor God in de NBV21 van Matthijs de Jong
- Online publication or website
- Article
A Subdued Demon in Exodus 15:7-8 - Online publication or website
Advent: Kijk eens vaker in de spiegel! (Jesaja 8:1) - Chapter for book
Religious Intolerance in the Ancient Near East - Book review
Review of Brittany Kim, "Lengthen Your Tent-Cords": The Metaphorical World of Israel's Household in the Book of Isaiah. University Park, PA: Eisenbrauns, 2018. (Siphrut: Literature and Theology of the Hebrew Scriptures, 23) - Book review
Review of: Christopher Lilley & Daniel J. Pedersen (eds), Human Origins and the Image of God: Essays in Honor of J. Wentzel van Huyssteen - Book review
Review of: Karl-Theodor Zauzich, Siebzehn ägyptische Götter. Ein jüdischer Gott. Die ägyptischen Wurzeln des Monotheismus - Chapter for book
Wat is de betekenis van ‘goed’ in ‘En God zag dat het goed was’
- Article