Prof. dr. M.M. Jansen
Intercultural theology / missiology
Profile of the Chair of Missiology at PThU
Missiology is theological reflection on Christian mission as boundary crossing between people of different cultural/ethnical, socio-economic backgounds and of different religious and non religious worldviews. The studies of World Christianity and Religious Studies are its closest allies, while PThU missiology is focusing on encounterological aspects.
Co-workers with this chair
- Prof.dr. Heleen Zorgdrager, who is assuming responsibility for the courses in missiology
- Prof.dr. Dorottya Nagy, extraordinary chair supported by the Protestant Church
- dr. Gé Speelman, assistant professor for religious studies and Christian-Muslim relations
Under supervision of the chair the following PhD-projects are finished
- Jane Holslag, Berlin Fellowship: East German Perspectives and Missional Encounter, 1961-1989. LiTVerlag 2013
- Wietske de Jong-Kumru, Postcolonial Feminist Theology. LiT-Verlag 2013
- Eleonora Hof, Reimaging Mission in the Postcolonial Condition, A Theology of Vulnerability at the Margins, Boekencentrum 2016
- Daniel Bediako-Akoto, Towards Holistic Sexual Flourishing in Africa, Boekencentrum 2017
- Rob van Waarde, Oog in oog. Een missiologische studie naar de betekenis van de exposurebenadering in de stedelijke context, forthcoming 2017