Dr. K.L. Bom
Associate professor Dogmatics and Intercultural Theology
Intercultural theology / missiology
- Book
Een andere moderniteit - Article
Juan Sepulveda and the understanding of the syncretic characteristics of Latin American Pentecostalism. - Book review
Review of: Elizabeth A Welch, The Holy Spirit and Worship: transformation and truth in the theologies of John Owen and John Zizioulas. Cambridge: James Clarke, 2021
- Book
- Article
Catholicity as a Conceptual Tool for Interculturality in Science and Religion - Special issue (editing)
Intercultural Perspectives on Science and Religion - Article
Intercultural Perspectives on Science and Religion. - Article
Notre Dame de Paris - Article
Towards an Interculutral and More Equal Debate on Sience and Religion
- Article
- Book editing
Context and Catholicity in the Science and Religion Debate - Book review
Review of: Gerrit Steunebrink, Natuur, cultuur en het verdwijnen van de schepping. Godsdienst- en cultuurfilosofische reflecties rond Immanuel Kant, Max Weber, Emil Durkheim en Claude Lévi-Strauss - Article
Verder reiken naar genezing - Book editing
‘De veranderende kracht van het Pentecostalisme’ - Chapter for book
‘Does Science and Scientific Education Contribute to Secularization in Africa?'
- Book editing
- Chapter for book
An Exploration of the Use of Group Model Building for Intercultural Theology. - Article
On the Value of Action and Participatory Research for Intercultural Theology: Reflections in the Light of a Research Project on “Science and Religion in French-Speaking Africa” - Paper
Pentecostals from French-speaking Africa on Science and Faith - Paper
Response to Jon Bialecki - Book review
Review of: Rob van Waarde, Oog in oog. Een missiologische studie over de betekenis van de exposure benadering in de stedelijke context - Book review
Review of: Timothy H. Wadkins, The Rise of Pentecostalism in Modern El Salvador. From the Blood of the Martyrs to de Baptism of the Spirit - Chapter for book
Sans foi pas de science. - Article
Verrijkend? Over het interculturele debat over geloof en wetenschap.
- Chapter for book