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Prof. dr. H.P. de Roest

Community / Care


Henk de Roest guest-lectured in universities in: Seoul, Daewon, Busan, Pretoria, Stellenbosch, Cambridge, London (Kings College), Zürich, Kiel, Oslo (MF School of Theology), Cluj/Koloszvar. 

He participated and lectured in conferences in: Hawarden (Gladstone Library), Berlin, Lund, Heidelberg, Bergen, Durham (Ushaw College, St. Johns College), Brussels, Aberdeen, Hong Kong, Kinshasa, Pretoria, Stellenbosch, Singapore, Minneapolis, Craiova, Cluj/Koloszvar, Sofia, Tallinn, Antwerp, Rheine, Eupen, Rendsburg, Fribourg, Zürich, Prague, Debrecen, Copenhagen, Århus, Oslo, Frankfurt, Komarno (Slovakia), Cluj/Koloszvar, San Diego (American Academy of Religion) and Hofgeismar. 

For lectures you can contact:

Voor een lezing over een van de thema's van De Roest (zie vooral zijn cv) kan per mail of telefonisch contact met hem worden opgenomen. 

Recent lectures

  • Nov. 2019, Paper, American Academy of Religion in San Diego, “Critically Engaging Bonnie Miller-McLemore, ed. The Wiley Blackwell Reader in Practical Theology”
  • Nov. 2019, Paper, American Academy of Religion in San Diego, “Sexual Abuse in Pastoral Relationships and the Relational Dynamics in the Parish in the Aftermath”. 
  • Sept. 2019, Keynote, Durham, St. John/s College, Ecclesiology and Ethnography Network, “Doing Research with a Community of Practice” 
  •  May 2019, Keynote, Cluj/Koloszvar, “Ministers as Co-Researchers”  
  • October 2021; Hofgeismar (Arbeitskreis Empirische Theologie), "Collaborative Theologizing. Addressing Practitioners’ Concerns in Practical Theology"