Em. prof. dr. F. de Lange
Frederik (Frits) de Lange (1955) is Professor of Ethics at the PThU and also Extraordinary Professor in Systematic Theology and Ecclesiology at the Theological Faculty of Stellenbosch University, South-Africa.
Prof. De Lange has expertise in the field of theological ethics (especially the work of Dietrich Bonhoeffer) and philosophical ethics (hermeneutics, Simone Weil). His current research focuses on aging studies from a theological and philosophical perspective. What does it mean to age well? Questions concerning the fundamental anthropology of aging and the applied ethics of care for the elderly are covered. A second field of interest in his research is the ethics of care, understood as a comprehensive, alternative approach to ethics. How does the ethics of care relate to the agapic tradition in theological ethics? Candidates for doctoral study are welcomed who want to do research either (1) in fundamental questions in theological ethics lying within de Lange's expertise, (2) within the field of the anthropology of aging and the applied ethics of elderly care, or (3) want to work on a theological reception of the ethics of care.
For more information (biography, online publications) see his website: www.fritsdelange.nl