Prof. dr. D. Nagy
Professor of Theology and Migration
Intercultural theology / missiology
- Organising a conference, workshop, ...Upgrading Mobiele Tentoonstelling: Kerk en Slavernij: Focus Suriname (geopend tijdens het Symposium: Slavernij, doorwerking en bevrijding, 1 juni 2023, Domkerk Utrecht)
- Organising a conference, workshop, ...CEEAMS annual conference- Peace, Pleas and Proclamation: Missiological Contributions to Pastoral Care, Homiletics and Theological Education, February 14-17, 2023, Osijek, Croatia (and hybrid).
- Invited talk"Apostolaat en zending ten volle”
- Chair or member of PhD assessment committee“A praxis of shalom for social work and counselling: An integrative theology of encounter using world Christianity and migration theology as resource”- assessment of dissertation proposal at University of Divinity, Melbourne, Australia
- Organising a conference, workshop, ...Lutheran Summers School “Één Lichaam, één Geest, één Hoop: in het teken van de 13de Assemblee van de Lutherse Wereldfederatie in Kraków, 16-21 augustus 2023, Amsterdam-Dresden- Kraków- Dresden- Amsterdam.
- Participating in a conference, workshop, ...“Mijn rugsakje en ik”- Workshop gegeven aan “Ontmoeting tussen wereldenmigratie als persoonlijke belevenis”- symposium .t.g.v. het afscheid van ds H.J. Siebert, 3 september 2023, Enschede https://www.pgenschede.nl/uploads/klant208/files/K&S_extra.pdf
- Invited talk“Calculating Justice and/or Creative Justice: Theological Reflections on the Relationship between Faith-Based Organizations and Asylum and Refugee Policy in Europe” at Rethinking Justice in European Faith-Based Refugee Relief, 4-6 September, University of Lund, Sweden. https://www.ht.lu.se/en/the-faculties/whats-on/calendar/event/rethinking-justice-european-faith-based-refugee-relief/
- Organising a conference, workshop, ...Missions Towards Human Dignity: Challenges from within and beyond the Black Sea region”, 8-12 September 2023, Cluj, Romania.
- Invited talk“Migrating Workers, Working Migrants, and the Quest for a Better Life: Theological Explorations of the Relationship between Human Mobility and Work through the Notion of “Human Dignity” with Illustrations from the Black Sea Region”
- Invited talk“Missions Towards Human Dignity: Challenges from within and beyond the Black Sea region”, 8-12 September 2023, Cluj, Romania.
- Invited talkWas steht theologisch auf dem Spiel in den Fragen um Flucht und Migration?“
- Chair or member of PhD assessment committee“Testing the Waters: Infant Baptism as a Case Study for Doing Reformed Theology Interculturally"
- Chair or member of PhD assessment committee“Sharing the Body of Christ Towards an Ecumenically Informed Reformed Theology of Ministry from a Missionary Perspective” by Rein den Hertog, VU.
- Organising a conference, workshop, ...Interdisciplinary Work Group Asylum - Conversion
- Organising a conference, workshop, ...Work conference, Book project: T&T Handbook of Intercultural Theology and Missiology,
- Invited talkReflecties op secularisering en blijvende missie in het hedendaagse Europa
- Organising a conference, workshop, ...Feeling Alive: Mission and Young People in Central and Eastern Europe
- Invited talkMIGRATIE - theologische-missiologische bouwstenen
- Organising a conference, workshop, ...Inspiratiefestival Terschelling
- Organising a conference, workshop, ...Consultation Stellenbosch University PThU - Moving Identities: Migration, racism, xenophobia and memories of colonization (online Webinar).
- Participating in a conference, workshop, ...Consultation Stellenbosch University PThU - Moving Identities: Migration, racism, xenophobia and memories of colonization (online Webinar).
- TalkXenophobia and racism at home? The concept of home and its relation to xenophobia and racism in theologies of hospitality linked to the issue of refugees and asylum seekers in contemporary Europe
- Organising a conference, workshop, ..."Missions Towards Human Dignity: Challenges from the Black Sea Region"
- Organising a conference, workshop, ...CTCW- Reverse Mission