Borrowing books
In order to find titles in the PThU Library, use the online catalogue which is accessible by internet 24 hours a day. As a student you can borrow books for free on showing your library card. Just take the books to the library staff at the lending desk or fill in a lending form.
Borrow from our library
In order to request books from our online catalogue WorldCat Discovery, please use the library code on your library card (for example: 19012345) and enter your password (at least 9 characters). Want to know how to borrow books, how to change your password, or how to renew the loan period of borrowed books? Read our WorldCat instructions. If no library staff is present, always fill in a lending form at the lending desk.
Overdue or renew
A few days before the loan period expires, you will receive an email with the request to return or renew the books. If you do not return of renew your books on time, we have the following fining system:
- first reminder (1 week overdue) € 0.50
- second reminder (2 weeks overdue) € 1.50
- third reminder € 3.00
Borrowing from other libraries
Library University Groningen
Through a hospitality agreement, students have access to a wealth of digital library collections through Groningen University (RUG). On location at the RUG, they can also use the physical library. Researchers can also use the RUG's digital library collection via a hospitality agreement.
Libraries in the Netherlands and worldwide
The best way to search in almost all Dutch library collections is the use of the Library Catalogue WorldCat Discovery PThU and select to search for Libraries in the Netherlands or Libraries Worldwide in the left-hand column on the screen.
Interlibrary loan
Through interlibrary loan you can request books from other libraries. Submit requests at the lending counter or by email.
- For students, the price for borrowing a book from another library is € 13.00. The price for an article is € 6.50.
- For PThU staff, interlibrary loan is free of charge.