About the theme

Theology as an interdisciplinary field navigates the space between revelation and faith, as found in Scripture and Christian traditions, and the contextual, cultural, societal, and ecclesial challenges it encounters. This position ‘in between’ raises several critical questions. To what extent have our theological understandings, interpretations, and experiences of sources, beliefs, and ecclesial and religious practices been influenced by the specific contexts? How have contextual challenges historically influenced or even transformed theological reflection in past and present? Conversely, how has theology maintained a distinct and critical voice concerning its context?


The conference will be held at the Protestant Theological Institute in Cluj/Koloszvar, Rumania. The PTI aims to train ministers and theologians who have a living faith, are committed to the traditions of their church, are professionally trained, well-educated, and open-minded, and who are sensitive to social phenomena and processes.

More about this theological institute

Call for papers

Possible contributions:

Proposal Requirements

Proposals should be no more than 250 words and explicitly address the overall conference theme from your specific discipline. Include your name, email address, affiliation, country, and phone number.

Deadline: November 1, 2024  

Send your proposal to prof. dr. Jenö Kiss: kissjeno@proteo.cj.edu.ro.