
  • Prof. dr. Peter-Ben Smit
    Associate Professor New Testament, Faculty of Theology (Texts & Tradition) VU, Co-director of the CCBI
  • Prof. dr. Klaas Spronk
    Professor of Old Testament at the Protestant Theological University, Co-director of the CCBI.
  • Dean Furlong
    Dean is fellow researcher of the CCBI. He resides in the US. In his dissertation he investigated the development of Johannine narratives in early Christian sources. His future plans include examining the implications of his doctoral research for the question of the authorship of the Johannine works and the identity of the Beloved Disciple.
  • Jaap Haasnoot
    Jaap is a missionary and an Anglican priest and he lives in Kampala, Uganda. From 2010-2015 he was a lecturer at a small theological school in Kajo-Keji, South Sudan. His research focusses on how ordinary readers in South Sudan read the Bible.
  • Dr. Anne-Mareike Schol-Wetter
    Head of the department of research of the Dutch-Flemish Bible Society on the use of the Bible.
  • Eva van Urk
    In her PhD research she investigates theological perspectives on ecological responsibility, with the main focus on the concept of imago Dei, that is, the idea that humans have been created in the image of God.
  • Jacobie M.H. Visser
    Her research interests include gender studies, in general, and more specifically masculinity studies, and to date, she has focussed most of her attention on the epistles of James and 1 Peter and (their) contextual biblical interpretation in South Africa.
  • Dr. Martin van Wijngaarden
    Martin is church historian and pastor of the Lutheran church in Rotterdam. His research focusses on issues concerning the Lutheran identity in the Netherlands.
  • Dr. Hans de Wit
    Professor emeritus of the Dom Hélder Câmara chair at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. His research focusses on the intercultural study of the Bible.
  • Kirsten van der Ham
    Kirsten is doing her PhD at the Protestant Theological University. In her research she uses contextual bible studies and intercultural bible reading as means to facilitate an interaction among Christians with different experiences of and views on racial injustices in Dutch society and churches. She is also the coordinator of the Bridging Gaps program that is organised by the CCBI.
  • Dr. Ari Troost
    He teaches New Testament exegesis and biblical theology as an assistant lecturer at the PThU Amsterdam/Groningen. His dissertation on Exegetical Bodybuilding: Gender and Interpretation in Luke 1-2 (2019) supervised by Peter-Ben Smit, offers a hermeneutical study on the role of autobiography, gender and presuppositions in biblical exegesis. His main focus is on constructions of gender, identity and self-perception.
  • Dr. Bert Dicou
    He is an Old Testament scholar connected to the Arminius Instituut ( He published with others the volume Re-imagining the Bible for Today (2017). His research focusses on autobiographical-contextual reading of the Bible.
  • Pieter Dirk Dekker MA
    His PhD reseach focuses on the connection between poverty/prosperity and divine election.